What is Link Building – Know 2024 Link Building Techniques

Here I will tell you what link building is and which techniques can be used for ranking the website, SEO is very important to rank any post in Google, or we need to know how to create backlinks.

If you choose the right keyword for the post and write the post keeping in mind On-Page SEO then it is good, but if there is a lot of competition on the post you are writing then you will have to pay attention to Off-Page SEO as well.

Off-Page SEO in which backlinks are the most important and the process of creating these backlinks is called link building. Here I will tell you 20 such techniques by which you can rank your website in Google by creating backlinks.

What is Link Building?

Link Building Techniques 

1. Social Media Community

2. Blog Commenting 

3. Find Niche Related Blogs 

4. Social Bookmarking 

5. By sharing videos 

6. By sharing photos 

7. Local Listing 

8. Guest Posting 

9. Link Baiting 

10. Search Engine Submission 

11 Blog Directory Submission 

12. RSS Feed Directory Submission 

13. Forum Posting 

15. Question & Answer Site 

16. Infographics Submission 

17. Press Release Submission 

19. Via Email 

20. Link Exchange

What is Link Building?

Link building is an SEO technique that increases your website's ranking, i.e. it is one of the primary ways search engine algorithms determine the relevancy of a page.

2. Blog Commenting

This is the easiest technique in link building because here you have to comment on the article you read or add your link in the link section. In blog commenting you need to know how to make a good comment, after knowing this, no matter how many comments you make, they will not be counted as spammy. Comment backlinks are still a very popular off-page SEO technique because it does not take much time to work. You have to search for websites or blogs related to your niche or keywords and comment on their posts.

You can search for a blog and comment by following the method given here:

Keyword “comment here” (example: Dofollow Backlinks Tips “comment here”)

Keyword “add comment”

Keyword “submit comment”

Keyword “leave a comment”

Keyword “Powered by WordPress”

Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot”

Keyword “Post a Comment”

You can also use third-party tools like DropMyLink, botw.org and Linksearching to find a website that accepts comments.

While creating a comment backlink, you have to keep one thing in mind, only quality comments will be approved on some websites. I would suggest you make a good comment related to the post after reading it.

Having a good number of backlinks to a website indicates that the content is valuable, both external and internal linking provide greater visibility for your website. Additionally, linking helps Google and other search engines crawl your site.

By doing this, traffic on your website will also increase and other bloggers will be able to know about your website. By the way, you should also know that Google and other search engines also notice social shares, so that they can know how engaging the post is. When you are commenting on any website, do not use words like Nice post, Thanks for sharing, Good post, Thanks for the article, because this may make your comment look spammy.

3. Find niche-related blogs

If you want high-quality backlinks for your website, then for that you will have to get links from those websites which are related to the niche of your blog.

After finding niche-related blogs, you can comment on the blog or contact the website owner and get links by doing guest posts.

You can find the same niche blog by following the steps shown below:

Similar Site Search: This is an online website in which we can search other websites related to any website.

Blogger List: If someone has shared a list of online blogs or bloggers, then you can get an idea by looking at it.

From Google: Search your blog on Google, other blogs related to it will also come in SERPs, due to which you will find more niche-related blogs.

4. Social Bookmarking

Sharing posts on social bookmarking sites gives you backlinks and can also bring good traffic to your website. My suggestion is that after publishing a post, you must share it on social bookmarking sites.

Link building with high domain authority sites like Pinterest, Vk.com and Tumblr will be good for your website.

5. By sharing videos

By creating high-quality videos, you can submit or share your video on all video submission websites, by adding the right title, tags or description to the video, you can get both backlinks and traffic.

6. By sharing photos

There are many websites that allow you to share photos, you can also get credit links by sharing your photo on it. You can share photos on Flickr and Pixabay websites.

7. Local Listing

If you are targeting a particular location, then you should do link building from the local website there, which will help you in getting a ranking locally.

8. Guest Posting

Guest post is the best way to create high-quality backlinks, all search engines also like guest posts more. If you do guest posting on niche-related blogs then you will get high-quality backlinks and good traffic.

For guest posting in Google, you can search the blog according to the words given here:

Keyword + “guest blog”

Keyword + “guest blogger”

Keyword + “guest post”

Keyword + “guest author”

Keyword + “write for us”

Keyword + “write for me”

Keyword + “become a contributor”

Keyword + “guest Column”

Keyword + “guest article”

Keyword + “contribute to this site”

Keyword + inurl: category/guest

Keyword + inurl: contributors

9. Link Baiting

If we submit anything on the internet, it is very difficult to prevent it from being copied, so what can we do about this? If someone copies content or images from our blog, then we can contact him and ask him to give our credit link in that content.

Well, you should know what are the advantages and disadvantages of copying from another blog, so that if you do the same, you can correct your mistakes.

If you want to protect your blog from being copied, then legally you have to add a DMCA badge to your site, so that you can protect your blog from being copied.

10. Search Engine Submission

It is also very important to submit your blog to popular search engines so that they can know about our blog and show the content on it to other users.

You have to submit your blog to Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and Alexa, submitting the site to search engines is considered very good in link building.

11. Blog Directory Submission

You can create backlinks by submitting your blog to all high-authority blog directories. Although now you do not get as much benefit as you used to get earlier, still it is better than nothing. Blog directory submission helps us a lot in getting the post indexed.

12. RSS Feed Directory Submission

RSS feed directories are also similar to blog submission, here we just have to submit the RSS feed of our blog. After which as soon as we publish any new post, it automatically gets added to their directory. RSS feed directory submission is a type of link building, where you get traffic for the blog along with backlinks.

13.Forum Posting

Forum posting gives you both backlinks and traffic, all you have to do is join the related forum for your category and help other users who join the forum.

14. Article Submission Sites

By submitting our posts on article submission sites, we can get them indexed quickly and also get high-quality backlinks.

By submitting content on high authority sites like Github, iSnare, My article, and Storify.com, we can do good link building, but it can also increase the domain authority of our website.

15. Question & Answer Site

Question & Answer sites are also called Q&A sites, you can create your profile on all popular Q&A sites and answer people's questions.

For good link building, you can do Q&A on websites like Answers.Com, Quora, Yahoo Answers, Researchgate.Net, eHow, Askville, and Ask. Fm, Blurt it.

16. Infographics Submission

Infographic submission is also becoming popular now, it contains information about the content in the image. If you are good at designing, you can create and share infographics. If anyone adds your infographics to his blog, you can take credit links from them.

Canva, Vizualize. me, easel.ly, Animaker Class, Piktochart and Venngage are very good infographics sites where you can create good infographics and share it on sites that accept infographics, do good link building and get good traffic and quality backlinks.

17. Press Release Submission

You can share news or detailed articles related to your website on all popular news sites for those who issue such press releases. Press releases get good traffic along with high-quality backlinks and people also get to know about our blog.

18. Document Sharing

You can get high-quality backlinks for your blog by creating good documents and sharing or submitting them on popular document-sharing sites.

If you have written a full detailed article, then you can also convert it into a PDF and submit it and in return, you can get a backlink to that article.

19. Through Email

This is the most professional way of link building, by which we have to contact the owner of the targeted website by email for whichever blog we want to link.

You can get backlinks through email by the methods given here:

If there is a broken link somewhere and it is related to your post, then you can tell the blog owner by giving the link of your post that the broken link is harming your users and SEO and you can improve it by adding my link here.

You can send your blog images to other bloggers and tell them to use them in their blog for free and in return, you can do good link-building by just asking for a credit link.

You can impress other readers by writing a good email to others and also adding the link to the post in that email and telling them to read the post, which will bring good traffic to your blog.

20. Link Exchange

Link exchange, which is considered an old way in today's time, here a blogger exchanges links with another blogger. In the past, this method was very useful and also gave good results.

But now search engines have become very smart, so if someone does this then the search engine catches it and it has a negative effect on the ranking and trust flow of the website.

What did you learn

From this post, you must have come to know what are link-building techniques and how they can be done, you can create high-quality backlinks by using these techniques. Let me tell you once again that by using all the techniques except the link exchange technique, you can generate good traffic for your blog.By following the techniques mentioned here, you can increase the domain authority, popularity and trust flow of your blog and by sharing it with your friends, you can also tell them about it.

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